Garage Door & Floor Coating - 8405
"Serving contractors, construction managers, and homeowners"
Listing Price: N/A Revenue: $2.5-5M Cash Flow: $1-2.5M
The company provides garage door & floor coating services to contractors, construction managers, and homeowners. This is a steady income business, located in the US that primarily generates revenue through project or job based contracts with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services.
Car Wash Business - 8372
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"High cash flow with a subscription-heavy customer base"
Listing Price: $1-2.5M Revenue: $1-2.5M Cash Flow: $700K-1M
The company car wash services a growing customer base with current rates at 125-150 per day. This is a high growth potential business, located in the US - Southeast that primarily generates revenue through subscription models with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services.
Elections & Government Printing Business - 8369
"Recurring high-value contracts"
Listing Price: $5-7.5M Revenue: $2.5-5M Cash Flow: $1-2.5M
The company provides specialty printing services to a very niche customer base of government, municipality and elections. This is a steady income business, located in the US - Great Lakes that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for product differentiation.
Ambulette Business - 8339
"Low overhead and positioned for growth"
Listing Price: $5-7.5M Revenue: $2.5-5M Cash Flow: $700K-1M
The company provides ambulette services to non-emergency patients in Suffolk County. They have a fleet of 20 vehicles. This is a high growth potential business, located in the US - New England that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for strong customer service and a reliable staff in place.
Garden & Landscaping Company - 8325
"Typical landscaping services, plus grow their own sought-after plants"
Listing Price: $1-2.5M Revenue: $700K-1M Cash Flow: $700K-1M
The company provides garden design, landscaping & maintenance services to clients in the Twin Cities West Metro area. This company has been in business for over 19 years and has a great reputation in the landscape industry. They custom grow an annual crop every year and also work with out-of-state vendors to supply plants they can’t grow locally. This is a steady income business, located in the US - Plains that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for product and service differentiation.
Kitchen Hood Cleaning Business - 8319
"Solid reputation with 97% repeat business"
Listing Price: N/A Revenue: $5-7.5M Cash Flow: $2.5-5M
The company provides kitchen hood/exhaust system cleaning & maintenance services to a 97%-repeat customer base of commercial kitchens. This is a steady income business, located in the US that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for service differentiation.
Commercial Parking Lot Cleaning Business - 8302
"Huge commercial accounts covering a 4-state region"
Listing Price: $2.5-5M Revenue: $2.5-5M Cash Flow: $1-2.5M
The company provides parking lot cleaning and sweeping services to commercial lots in Florida, and also Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina. Client list includes highly desirable names like Costco, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Home-Depot, Regency, CBRE, Cohen, and many other solid names. This is a high growth potential business, located in the US - Southeast that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships (80%) with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services.
Residential & Commercial Trash Company - 8274
"Portfolio of 3 businesses, with industry-recognized past projects"
Listing Price: $1-2.5M Revenue: $1-2.5M Cash Flow: $700K-1M
The company provides residential & commercial trash services to almost 50 towns with a variety of solutions including 4, 10, 15 20 and 30-yard dumpsters. This is a steady income business, located in the US - New England that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services.