Commercial Concrete Business - 8281
"Three decades of success with long-standing accounts"
Listing Price: N/A Revenue: >$15M Cash Flow: $2.5-5M
The company provides commercial concrete servicing to municipal customers seeking general concrete, curbs, and sidewalk construction. This is a steady income business, located in the US - Southeast that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for strong customer service.
Coating Manufacturing Company - 8260
"Portfolio of 3 businesses, with industry-recognized past projects"
Listing Price: $1-2.5M Revenue: $2.5-5M Cash Flow: $700K-1M
The company manufactures coating products to businesses in New York (via a three-business portfolio), and has contributed to many major NY landmarks. This is a steady income business, located in the US - New England that primarily generates revenue through project or job based contracts with a strong reputation for product differentiation.
Industrial Sales & Services Company - 8209
"Long-term employees with management in place"
Listing Price: $5-7.5M Revenue: $5-7.5M Cash Flow: $1-2.5M
The company provides sales & services to commercial and industrial customers in the Corpus Christi area. This is a steady income business, located in the US - Southwest that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for product differentiation and long-term loyalty.
Mining Equipment Manufacturer - 8188
“High-value projects in a lucrative market"
Listing Price: $10-15M Revenue: $7.5-10M Cash Flow: $1-2.5M
The company manufactures mining equipment products to sophisticated, high-value clients in the US and Canada. This is a high growth potential business, located in the Other - Canada that primarily generates revenue through project or job based contracts with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services.
Construction Materials Fabricator - 8164
"Specific niche within the synthetic materials market"
Listing Price: $2.5-5M Revenue: $2.5-5M Cash Flow: $700K-1M
The company fabricates construction material products to a very specific niche as it provides its themed construction materials throughout the country to facilities who make use of themes. These include amusement parks, restaurants, hotels and resorts, zoos and also through an e-commerce store on Amazon. This is a steady income business, located in the US - Southeast that primarily generates revenue through project or job based contracts with a strong reputation for product differentiation.
Industrial Metal Processor Broker - 8152
"Healthy mix of manufacturing, auto, and home goods customers"
Listing Price: N/A Revenue: $7.5-10M Cash Flow: $1-2.5M
The company provides industrial metal processing brokerage & consult services to the military, automotive manufacturing, construction, and various other industries throughout the Midwest. Sales were generated from metal brokerage (80% of revenue); metal processing - separation, drying, and packaging (17%); and service fees and consulting (3%). This is a steady income business, located in the US - Great Lakes that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services and high barriers to entry.
Awning Manufacturer - 8125
"120 years strong, with a mix of residential & commercial"
Listing Price: $1-2.5M Revenue: $2.5-5M Cash Flow: $700K-1M
The company manufactures awnings and related products to residential clients with mostly retractable awnings for the outdoor patios, as well as commercial clients for commercial building awnings, store fronts, pergola canopies and outdoor seating. This is a steady income business, located in the US - New England that primarily generates revenue through project or job based contracts with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services.
Furniture Manufacturer - 8124
"Decades-old business with a strong reputation"
Listing Price: N/A Revenue: $1-2.5M Cash Flow: $700K-1M
The company manufactures furniture products to a word-of-mouth only customer base. They have incredibly strong repeat business and have been in operation for 30 years. This is a steady income business, located in the US - New England that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services.