Equire Equire

Hardware Manufacturer - 7553

"Specializing in private label and high-value products"

Price: N/A Revenue: $7.5-10M Cash Flow: $1-2.5M

The company provides high-value hardware products to customers in need of both small and large batch products. Products include brass, leather, and copper alloy push-pull products for cabinets, doors, and appliances. This is a high growth potential business - with significant opportunity to produce product for competitors due to supply chain issues - located in the US - New England that primarily generates revenue through project or job based contracts with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services.

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Equire Equire

Truckbed & Trailer Manufacturer - 7536

"Mix of producing new & retrofitting old models"

Listing Price: $5-7.5M Revenue: $5-7.5M Cash Flow: $700K-1M

The company provides truckbed & trailer manufactured products to a large customer base, as they make new and retrofit old trucks (all brands). This is a steady income business, located in the US - Southwest that primarily generates revenue through project or job based contracts with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services.

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Equire Equire

Wood Manufacturer - 7514

"Produces product for both distribution and DTC"

Listing Price: $1-2.5M Revenue: $1-2.5M Cash Flow: $700K-1M

The company provides wood manufactured products to contractors working on new construction and remodel projects. This is a steady income business, located in the US - Rocky Mountain that primarily generates revenue through project or job based contracts with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services.

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Equire Equire

Modular Home Building Company - 7509

"Growing customer base with a large range of brands available"

Price: N/A Revenue: >$15M Cash Flow: $2.5-5M

The company provides modular home products to a large customer base, primarily of new home buyers and retirees. This is a high growth potential business, located in the US that primarily generates revenue through project or job based contracts with a strong reputation for being a low cost leader.

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Equire Equire

Cannabis Manufacturer & Dispensary - 7494

"Turnkey operation with multiple licenses"

Price: $5-7.5M Revenue: $10-15M Cash Flow: $1-2.5M

The company provides cannabis manufacturing & products to a base in Massachusetts. The company includes 3 independent licenses (2 dispendary, 1 manufacturing). They also benefit from location and lease advantages. This is a high growth potential business, located in the US - New England that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services in a regulated environment.

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Equire Equire

Specialty Coffee Roaster - 7477

"Multiple revenue streams, including wholesale, retail & education"

Listing Price: $1-2.5M Revenue: $1-2.5M Cash Flow: $700K-1M

The company provides specialty coffee products to retail cafes, online, and grocery stores. They thrive on multiple revenue streams and a longstanding reputation. This is a steady income business, located in the US - Pacific that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services.

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Equire Equire

Commercial Aluminum Manufacturer - 7460

"Diverse product range and customer base”

Listing Price: $2.5-5M Revenue: $5-7.5M Cash Flow: $1-2.5M

The company provides commercial aluminum products to installers, contractors, and distributors in the Toronto area. They specialize in commercial entrances and curtain walls. This is a steady income business, located in the Other - Canada that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for strong customer service. They are 100% referral based.

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Equire Equire

Optical Components Manufacturer - 7451

"Custom products for a diverse range of industries"

Listing Price: N/A Revenue: $2.5-5M Cash Flow: $700K-1M

The company manufacturers optical component products to prominent long-term, loyal customers across a myriad of industries including aerospace/defense, LiDAR, quantum computing, semiconductor, and research & development. This is a high growth potential business, located in the US - Rocky Mountain that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for product differentiation.

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