Equire Equire

Solar Installations Business - 2308

No Longer Available

"Providing American-made solar panels to a growing market"

Listing Price: >$15M Revenue: $10-15M Cash Flow: $2.5-5M

The company provides solar installation services to a booming market. This is a high growth potential business, located in the US - Pacific that primarily generates revenue through project or job based contracts with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services.

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Equire Equire

Transportation Solutions - 2288

No Longer Available

"Reputable firm offering a variety of transportation solutions"

Listing Price: $2.5-5M Revenue: $7.5-10M Cash Flow: $1-2.5M

The company provides solutions to businesses with transportation, warehousing and logistics needs. This is a steady income business, located in the US - Southeast that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services.

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Equire Equire

Transportation Broker - 2210

No Longer Available

"Proven business providing shipping for large corporations"

Listing Price: $2.5-5M Revenue: $2.5-5M Cash Flow: $1-2.5M

The company provides its services to Fortune 500 companies transporting food and produce. This is a steady income business, located in the US - Southeast that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for premium products and/or services.

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Equire Equire

Marine Robotics Manufacturer - 2247

No Longer Available

"Innovative manufacturer cutting costs and eliminating environmental waste"

Listing Price: [N/A] Revenue: $10-15M Cash Flow: $1-2.5M

The company manufactures robotics for the marine and industrial coatings removal industry. This is a high growth potential business, located in the US that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for product differentiation.

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Equire Equire

Aerospace & Defense Machining - 2199

No Longer Available

"Highly skilled employee base delivering custom parts to growing expanding market"

Listing Price: $2.5-5M Revenue: $2.5-5M Cash Flow: $700K-1M

The company provides its services to the aerospace and defense industries. This is a high growth potential business, located in the US - Great Lakes that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for product differentiation.

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Equire Equire

Office Solutions Design & Manufacturing - 2177

No Longer Available

"Custom design for corporate interiors"

Listing Price: [N/A] Revenue: >$15M Cash Flow: $5-7.5M

The company provides office design solutions to businesses and corporations. This is a steady income business, located in the US - New England that primarily generates revenue through project or job based contracts with a strong reputation for product differentiation.

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Equire Equire

Scaffolding Installation - 2159

No Longer Available

"Long-established contractor working multi-million dollar projects"

Listing Price: [N/A] Revenue: >$15M Cash Flow: $2.5-5M

The company provides scaffolding installation services to the industrial, marine and commercial industries. This is a steady income business, located in the US - Southwest that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for product differentiation.

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Equire Equire

Industrial Equipment Manufacturer - 2132

No Longer Available

"Vital equipment manufacturer across multiple industries"

Listing Price: >$15M Revenue: $10-15M Cash Flow: $2.5-5M

The company manufactures industrial equipment for the electronics and automotive industries. This is a steady income business, located in the US - Southeast that primarily generates revenue through recurring relationships with a strong reputation for product differentiation.

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